How many Turnip(s) get imported into the USA in 2023

Import Data of Turnips in the U.S. in 2023

In the year 2023, a total of approximately 2,811,042.15 kg (or 6,197,165.1 lbs) worth of Turnips were imported to the United States. This significant volume was transported across the sea in 262.64 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units).

Top Exporting Countries to the U.S.

Here are the top countries that exported Turnips to the United States in 2023, ranked by the number of shipments:

Country Number of Shipments
China (CN) 64
Turkey (TR) 27
Hong Kong (HK) 18
Japan (JP) 9
New Zealand (NZ) 8

Loading Ports in Top Countries

The following table shows the loading ports in each of these top countries:

Country Loading Port Number of Shipments
China (CN) 57073, Shanghai 19
58201, Hong Kong 18
57035, Shanghai 13
Turkey (TR) 48945, Istanbul 7
48947, Kemlik 7
48938, Adana 4
Hong Kong (HK) 58201, Hong Kong 9
57035, Shanghai 5
57078, Yantian 2
Japan (JP) 58309, Kaohsiung 9
New Zealand (NZ) 61443, Tauranga 6
61415, Port Lyttelton 2

Top Turnip Exporters to the U.S.

The following list shows the top Turnip exporters to the United States in 2023:

  • Feng Shou Hong Limited (13 Shipments)
  • Chang Sheng Hong (9 Shipments)
  • Luga Trade Co Ltd (8 Shipments)
  • Yangzhou Fenghe Food Co Ltd (8 Shipments)
  • Beyond Frontier Sourcing Co Ltd (6 Shipments)

Top Turnip Importers to the U.S.

The following list shows the top Turnip importers to the United States in 2023:

  • Walong Marketing Inc (16 Shipments)
  • Allied Import Inc (8 Shipments)
  • Moda Food LLC (8 Shipments)
  • Shang Hao Jia Inc (8 Shipments)
  • Wei Chuan USA (8 Shipments)