How many Sugar get imported into the USA in 2023

Import Data of Sugar in the U.S. for the Year 2023

In the year 2023, a significant amount of Sugar was imported into the United States. Here's an overview of the import details:

  1. Total Weight (kg): The total weight of Sugar imported was approximately 3,819,217,773.99 kg.

  2. Total TEU: The total TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) of Sugar imported was 83,627.25 TEUs.

  3. Quantity by Unit:

    • CTN: 19,618,642 units (6,885 shipments)
    • BOX: 9,647,058 units (4,108 shipments)
    • PKG: 14,391,761 units (3,108 shipments)
    • UNT: 41,176 units (3,061 shipments)
    • BAG: 8,755,190 units (3,042 shipships)
    • PCS: 5,551,301 units (2,614 shipments)
    • CAS: 8,037,176 units (484 shipments)
    • BLK: 413 units (372 shipments)
    • SAK: 90,712 units (240 shipments)
    • BAL: 42,038 units (176 shipments)
    • FILTERED SHIPPERS (20,277 shipments):
      • C I DE AZUCARES Y MIELES S A (816 shipments)
      • ROYAL PRODUCE SOCIEDAD ANONIMA (471 shipments)
      • CI DE AZUCARES Y MIELES S A (418 shipments)
    • FILTERED IMPORTERS (21,464 shipments):
      • KC GLOBAL NETWORK INC (698 shipments)
      • MIAMI AGRO IMPORT INC (526 shipments)
      • ARCOR USA (463 shipments)
      • GROWERS ARE US LLC (320 shipments)
      • ALTRAY COMPANY INC (308 shipments)

Top Countries Exporting Sugar to the U.S.:

Country Number of Shipments Top Ports
CA, CANADA 3,409 – Halifax, NS (3,385 shipments)
– Vancouver, BC (14 shipments)
– Saint John, NB (4 shipments)
GT, GUATEMALA 3,043 – Santo Tomas (2,428 shipments)
– Puerto Quetzal (265 shipments)
– Puerto Barrios (176 shipments)
CN, CHINA 2,316 – Yantian (759 shipments)
– Shanghai (394 shipments)
– Xiamen (393 shipments)
BR, BRAZIL 2,240 – Sao Paulo (1,128 shipments)
– Cartagena (439 shipments)
– Balboa (160 shipments)
CO, COLUMBIA 2,217 – Cartagena (521 shipments)
– Puerto Manzanillo (364 shipments)
– Archipel. de Las Perlas (248 shipments)