How many Auto Seat Cover(s) get imported into the USA in 2023

Auto Seat Covers Import Data in the U.S. for the Year 2023

In the bustling automotive market of the United States, a significant amount of Auto Seat Covers were imported in 2023. Here's a breakdown of the import data:

Quantity of Auto Seat Covers Imported

  • The total quantity of Auto Seat Covers imported was approximately 308,166,602 units, distributed across various shipping packages (CTN, PKG, PCS, CAS, BOX, CRT, UNT, PAL, WDC, and ROL).
  • The most common unit of shipment was the CTN (Container), accounting for 218,644,849 units.

Top Countries Exporting Auto Seat Covers to the U.S.

The following table presents the top countries exporting Auto Seat Covers to the United States in 2023, along with their primary loading ports:

Country Loading Port(s) Number of Shipments
China (CN) Shanghai 54,803
Ningbo 39,845
Yantian 33,679
Taiwan (TW) Kaohsiung 26,285
Taipei 6,702
Chia Lung 2,781
Republic of Korea (KR) Pusan 14,951
Panama Canal ?C Caribbean 48
India (IN) Jawaharlal Nehru 5,722
Mundra 4,487
Colombo Harbor 809
Japan (JP) Nagoya Kô 4,970
Tokyo 3,228
Pusan 1,808

Top Shippers of Auto Seat Covers to the U.S.

The following list presents the top shippers of Auto Seat Covers to the United States in 2023:

  • CNE EXPRESS CO (3,142 Shipments)
  • CITIC DICASTAL CO LTD (3,092 Shipments)
  • TUPY S/A (2,948 Shipments)
  • TONG YANG INDUSTRIAL CO LTD (2,041 Shipments)
  • FORD OTOMOTIV SANAYI AS (1,353 Shipments)

Top Importers of Auto Seat Covers in the U.S.

The following list presents the top importers of Auto Seat Covers to the United States in 2023:

  • IKEA SUPPLY AG (3,235 Shipments)
  • TELAMON CORP (1,820 Shipments)
  • TESLA INC (1,713 Shipments)
  • SJA INC (1,357 Shipments)
  • THE LOVESAC COMPANY (1,249 Shipments)