How many Board(s) get imported into the USA in 2023

Board Imports to the U.S. in 2023: An Overview

In 2023, a significant quantity of Boards was imported into the United States. Here's a breakdown of the import data for this product:

  1. Total Imported Quantity

    The total weight of Boards imported to the U.S. in 2023 was approximately 38,343,302,393.39 kg. This massive volume was transported in 471,172.66 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units).

  2. Top Exporting Countries

    The following table provides the top countries that export Boards to the U.S., along with their loading ports:

    Country Number of Shipments Top Loading Ports
    China 55,899 Yantian (15,246), Ningbo (12,896), Shanghai (12,817)
    Brazil 32,407 São Paulo (13,500), Puerto Manzanillo (2,197), Cartagena (2,162)
    Germany 9,440 Bremerhaven (4,112), Stadersand (1,812), Brake (1,366)
    Belgium 7,595 Antwerp (6,858), Zeebrugge (493), Sines (70)
    Hong Kong 6,183 Hong Kong (5,990), Yantian (102), Kaohsiung (29)
  3. Top Board Exporters to the U.S.

    The following list showcases the top exporters of Boards to the United States:

    • Level 99 Games Inc (1,335 Shipments)
    • Minerva S A (963 Shipments)
    • VIR USA (680 Shipments)
    • Millpar S/A (609 Shipments)
    • JBS S/A (604 Shipments)
  4. Top Board Importers to the U.S.

    The following list showcases the top importers of Boards in the United States:

    • Minerva Meats USA Inc (1,020 Shipments)
    • Michelin North America Inc (666 Shipments)
    • Vallourec USA Corp (620 Shipments)
    • Kontor US LLC (579 Shipments)
    • Jungbunzlauer Inc (561 Shipments)