How many Coat(s) get imported into the USA in 2023

Import Data of Coats in the U.S. for the Year 2023

In the year 2023, a substantial number of coats were imported into the United States. Here's an overview of the import data, focusing on quantities, countries of origin, top exporters, and importers.

1. Quantity of Coats Imported

In total, approximately 14,301,204 coats were imported in 2023. The data was broken down into various units: Containers (CTN), Packages (PCS), Boxes (BOX), Bales (BAL), Barrels (BDL), Casings (CAS), Rolls (ROL), Units (UNT), and Colors (COL).

2. Countries Exporting the Most Coats to the U.S.

The primary countries exporting coats to the United States in 2023 were:

Country Shipments
China 20,456
Vietnam 2,004
India 631
Indonesia 360
Bangladesh 329

3. Top Coat Exporters to the U.S.

Here are the top exporters of coats from each country:

  • China
    • FANYF (4,416 Shipments)
    • Shenzhen Guangming Trade Co., Ltd (613 Shipments)
    • Shenzhen Yi H USA Ng Commerce Co. (973 Shipments)
    • Hangzhou Far International Logistics (542 Shipments)
    • JENNY (305 Shipments)
  • Vietnam
    • Not available due to limited data
  • India
    • Not available due to limited data
  • Indonesia
    • Not available due to limited data
  • Bangladesh
    • Not available due to limited data

4. Top Coat Importers to the U.S.

The top importers of coats in the United States were:

Importer Shipments
Crimsonlogic US Inc 540
IKEA Supply AG 276
YAHEE Technologies Corp 213