Import Data of Chicory Endive in the United States for 2023
In the year 2023, a total of approximately 941,411 kg of Chicory Endive were imported into the United States. This import was shipped via various modes including Containers (CTN), Packages (PKG), Cartons (CAS), Boxes (BOX), and Pieces (PCS).
Here's a breakdown of the quantity imported by unit:
- CTN: 88,171 (25 Shipments)
- PCS: 165,629 (17 Shipments)
- PKG: 139,141 (3 Shipments)
- BOX: 2,247 (1 Shipment)
- CAS: 5,031 (1 Shipment)
Top Exporting Countries
The following countries exported the most Chicory Endive to the United States in 2023:
Country | Number of Shipments |
Belgium | 22 |
Netherlands | 18 |
Vietnam | 4 |
China | 2 |
Greece | 1 |
Belgian Exports
- Port: Anvers, Belgium (All 22 Shipments)
Dutch Exports
- Port: Rotterdam, Netherlands (All 18 Shipments)
Vietnamese Exports
- Port: Haiphong, Vietnam (2 Shipments)
- Port: Singapore (2 Shipments)
Chinese Exports
- Port: Yantian, China (2 Shipments)
Greek Exports
- Port: Thessaloniki, Greece (1 Shipment)
Top Shippers and Importers
The following are the top shippers and importers of Chicory Endive in 2023:
Top Shippers
- Stateway Vietnam Footwear Co Ltd (2 Shipments)
- Michail Arabatzis S A (1 Shipment)
Top Importers
- Coosemans New York Inc (21 Shipments)
- Belgian Endive Marketing Board PO Box (19 Shipments)
- ON Inc (2 Shipments)
- Fantis Foods Inc (1 Shipment)