Import Data of Tamarillos in the United States – 2023 Overview
In the year 2023, a total of 2,733,655.50 kg worth of Tamarillos were imported into the United States. This weight is approximately 2,417.89 TEUs. Here's a breakdown of the imported Tamarillos by unit:
- Box: 262,037 (in 91 shipments)
- PCS: 80,007 (in 28 shipments)
- PKG: 2,575 (in 2 shipments)
Top Exporting Countries
The following countries were the top exporters of Tamarillos to the United States in 2023:
Colombia (CO) – 79 Shipments
- Port of Barranquilla (30104): 23 shipments
- Port of Santa Marta (30140): 23 shipments
- Port of Puerto Manzanillo (22556): 16 shipments
Ecuador (EC) – 39 Shipments
- Port of Puerto Manzanillo (22556): 29 shipments
- Port of Duran (33131): 10 shipments
Yugoslavia (YU) – 2 Shipments
- Port of Barranquilla (30104): 2 shipments
Mexico (MX) – 1 Shipment
- Port of Duran (33131): 1 shipment
Top Exporting Companies (Shippers)
The following companies were the top Tamarillo exporters to the United States in 2023:
- Compañia Internacional Agrofrut SAS – 27 Shipments
- Compañia Productora y Exportadora – 23 Shipments
- David Eduardo Jaramillo Nolivos – 13 Shipments
- Delifood Frozen Group – 13 Shipments
- C I Agrofrut SAS – 12 Shipments
Top Importing Companies (Importers)
The following companies were the top Tamarillo importers in the United States in 2023:
- La Serranita Import & Export LLC – 23 Shipments
- Distoro Inc – 18 Shipments
- Grace Kennedy Foods dba La Fe Food – 15 Shipments
- David E Jaramillo Nolivos – 13 Shipments
- Delifood Frozen Group Inc – 13 Shipments